For example, a backdoor Trojan might add an extra string value to the key for the Windows Firewall’s list of exceptions. The LOCAL_MACHINE key includes information related to settings specific to an individual computer, including sensitive security settings. PC users without administrative privileges will see the Security subkey as empty . The Registry is specific to the Windows operating system but is found in versions of Windows since 3.1 on upwards, supplanting the previous uses of text INI files. Because it serves as a potentially vast repository of system information related to the programs installed on your computer, the Registry often can be intimidating to browse.
- If registry editing is set to enabled, this script will disable it and if it is disabled, it will enable it.
- Right click Windows Start menu and choose Settings from the menu.
- On Windows 10, you can enable Airplane mode in at least six different ways, including using Action Center, network flyout, Settings app, Lock screen, and even with Command Prompt.
Windows Updates cleanup deletes older versions of updates that are no longer needed and taking up space. You are running disk cleanup as admin either by option or by the fact that you have UAC disabled. Windows 8 disk cleanup introduced a new cleanup option called Windows Update Cleanup. Files and folders that may conflict with the installation of Windows have been moved to folders named Windows.old. You can access data from the previous Windows installations in this folder.
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Table 24.1 describes the types of data you might find in the Windows 98 Registry. All the data of the current user of the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER is stored in a usual folder with hidden file named as NTUSER.DAT.
You should know that the Windows Update Cleanup option is available only when the Disk Cleanup wizard detects Windows updates that you do not need on the computer. Thus, even if you think that you have update files that you do not need anymore, Windows could “think” differently. When you don’t see that this option is available, probably you should check twice the files you consider to delete. The size for the update files are different and depend on the version of Windows you have on your computer, and updates you want to do. For example, if you have Windows 8, you need 3000 MB of available space to install the 32-bit version of Windows 8.1, and 3850 MB of available space to install the 64-bit version of Windows 8.1.
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At the bottom of the export window, you have two options under Export Range. The Registry is where all of the magic happens in Microsoft Windows. It’s the database and hierarchical structure that stores all of Windows settings for the OS and most installed 3rd party applications. Keeping the registry healthy and clean is pretty much a no-brainer, but in many ways, it’s like doing brain surgery on a patient. Make one wrong move , and it’s game over for your entire system. We will just right click to the key we want to delete where this will open a menu and then left-click to the Modify from the menu like below. Any application that does not uninstall properly, or does not have an uninstaller, can leave entries in the registry.
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Software is by far the most interesting subkey in this branch. It contains software settings that are specific to each user. Windows stores each user’s desktop preferences under this subkey. In addition, each program installed on the computer installs user-specific preferences in this subkey. This subkey is organized just like the similarly named subkey in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. So, let’s start our tutorial about the basics of windows registry editor. We hope that from the above methods, you can open the registry editor regardless of the Windows Versions.